Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Until Next Time....Thank You!

Life as Miss Massachusetts USA has been nothing short of a dream come true!  If I could boast of only one reason to be grateful for my reign my personal growth alone would be enough to prove this experience priceless. However, I have many more reasons to be thankful. This incredible journey has taken me all around the beautiful state of Massachusetts, to New York City for the very first Miss USA NYC media tour and all the way to Las Vegas to compete in the 60th anniversary of Miss USA!  This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of so many people. Everyone needs help along the way to success.
From the moment I was crowned Laurie and Antony welcomed me into their loving family as one of their own. Thank you for all your kind support, for the letters and gifts of encouragement at Miss USA, and for truly believing in me and sharing this once in a lifetime opportunity with me!  Neil,  I cherish our friendship that developed over hair, yes I know a TON of it! You have been and continue to be such an inspiration for me. Stacey, you are one of the most genuine and charismatic people I’ve met, thank you for guiding and coaching me.  Katie, Monique, and Marjan thank you putting up with my hatred of plios, crunches, and endless grilled chicken, but thanks to you guys I had a healthy toned body for Miss Mass USA and Miss USA! Dr. Meola, thank you for giving me a healthy smile and for crowning me with a crown I get to keep forever! Rita, you are so much more than the perfect make-up artist; thank you for sharing your wisdom, your kindness, and your grace to me. I cherish the time I spent with you getting ready for appearances! To the Clemente productions staff and sponsors, Juli Roach, Michelle and Paul Spindler, Lori,  Jim and Lisa Engelbrecht, Stewart Smith, Ron Ranere, The Crowning Touch, Elyse Jewelers,  Lacey and the Wilson’s thank you for your endless generosity  and support this year and for welcoming me into the Miss MA USA family! We really have the best family!
Rafa, my dearest friend and coach, thank you for supporting me every step of the way. You believed in me from the very beginning and guided me to a crowning victory! From Boston to New York City, to Las Vegas and back, this is not the end of our journey, I can’t wait to start the next chapter!
To my amazing sister queen Kay, I have never had a younger sister until now. You have grown into such an incredible, confident young woman and I can’t wait to see you continue your journey onto Miss USA one day! Our reign may end this evening but our friendship will never end.
To my family and close friends, thank you for being here the moment my dream came true,  for flying across the country to support me at Miss USA, for your daily letters of encouragement and inspiration, for the 4am phone calls you accepted, and the unconditional love and support you have given me this entire year.  Dad, I know it wasn’t exactly in your plan to have four daughters and you didn’t dream of being a pageant dad but like you’ve always taught me “anything is possible, so have an open mind!” Nancy, thank you for being my un-official PR rep! You have been inspiring me to do great things since I was 11 years old. I am truly blessed to have you in my life and am grateful for the life lessons you have taught me.  Randy, thank you for believing in me from the moment I met you and encouraging me through every step of Miss Mass and through Miss USA, without your love and support I would not be where I am today. Your patience and love amazes me and I am the luckiest girl to have captured your heart.
It has been an honor to volunteer for the USO, Make-a-wish Foundation, Susan G. Komen Foundation, MDA Association, and hundreds of charity organization. I’ve been blessed to be featured Live on NBC, The Today Show, Fox and Friends, Chelsea Lately, Regis & Kelly, Cupcake Wars, E! News, The Fashion Police, and Wicked Fit.  Thank you.
To the young ladies vying for the title of Miss Massachusetts USA , you are in for a wild ride, buckle up! Although only one will leave with the title today, all can aspire to make significant contributions to our communities.  Walk tall and proud, you have made it far and left a footprint in the hearts of many. To my successor, welcome to the Miss Mass. USA family! Make the most of your year, be patient, kind, and understanding, but most importantly be proactive.  Dream big and dream often, you can conquer the world!  Know that I will always be here for you as your Miss Mass sister. You are stepping into a very loving and supportive family who will help guide you to your success!
Being Miss Massachusetts USA has been an incredible honor that I will cherish for the rest of my life. No matter where I go in life, I will forever remember this experience and all it has taught me. I am honored to have been your Miss Massachusetts USA. 
Alida D'Angona
Miss Massachusetts USA 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Homes for Our Troops!

This has been such a busy month with the pageant right around the corner, 2 weeks away....I can hardly believe it! This year has been such a blessing and a time I will forever cherish. Over the weekend I met a wonderful group of people who gathered to run 5 miles to support Homes for our Troops. Their mission is to build specially adapted homes for injured veterans that serve our country. I'm so thankful I was able to be a part of this and meet some great families!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Celebrating Hope for Rare Diseases

Last night I had the pleasure of attending NTSAD's annual Tay-Sachs benefit at Genzyme Center. As many of you know I also work at Genzyme researching rare diseases, so I was very honored when they asked me to attend the event!  A small community of people gathered at Genzyme Center to raise funds to give hope to patients and families with Tay-Sachs disease.  Tay-Sachs disease is a fatal genetic disorder caused by the absence of a critical enzyme, Hex-A, which leads to progressive neurological disorders. While there is currently no cure for Tay-Sachs, Hope is on the Horizon (which was also the theme for the night :) ). The NTSAD (National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases)  has hopes to raise enough money to start the first clinical trial in 2012. Last night I met families who lost their children to this devastating disease years ago when there was no hope for a cure. Today there is hope with gene therapy, but they are still in needs of funds to further this research.  I also met two very special young girls who were diagnosed with an late-onset form of this disease and are waiting for a cure.  If you would like to donate to help fund the first human clinical trial please visit

         with Dan Kirschner and Skip Irving             at Genzyme Center in Cambridge

                with an NTSAD family  
                           with Randy Barry

Miss Massachusetts USA