Thursday, November 3, 2011

Celebrating Hope for Rare Diseases

Last night I had the pleasure of attending NTSAD's annual Tay-Sachs benefit at Genzyme Center. As many of you know I also work at Genzyme researching rare diseases, so I was very honored when they asked me to attend the event!  A small community of people gathered at Genzyme Center to raise funds to give hope to patients and families with Tay-Sachs disease.  Tay-Sachs disease is a fatal genetic disorder caused by the absence of a critical enzyme, Hex-A, which leads to progressive neurological disorders. While there is currently no cure for Tay-Sachs, Hope is on the Horizon (which was also the theme for the night :) ). The NTSAD (National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases)  has hopes to raise enough money to start the first clinical trial in 2012. Last night I met families who lost their children to this devastating disease years ago when there was no hope for a cure. Today there is hope with gene therapy, but they are still in needs of funds to further this research.  I also met two very special young girls who were diagnosed with an late-onset form of this disease and are waiting for a cure.  If you would like to donate to help fund the first human clinical trial please visit

         with Dan Kirschner and Skip Irving             at Genzyme Center in Cambridge

                with an NTSAD family  
                           with Randy Barry

Miss Massachusetts USA

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