Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thank you

It's been about a month since I've been back from Miss USA and I just want to take a few moments to say a Big Thank You to everyone who helped, loved, and supported me on that incredible journey! It was an experience I will never forget and one that I am having trouble even finding the right words to describe it. I was in awe of how many flowers, cards, and notes of encouragement that were sent to me while I was in Las Vegas- from my directors, sponsors, friends, coach, and family, thank you so much. It seemed like every evening when we met at the hospitality suite there was a card or note or flower arrangement with my name on it! It meant and means the world to me that I have such a caring support system!
I know so many of you are dying to know the gushy were the girls...who did you room with...what was it like being on were the interviews...did you meet Trump? The list goes on and on and I could write for days (so I guess it's a good thing I kept a journal while I was out there). To answer a few for now, I had so much fun meeting all the girls and getting to experience different parts of New York and Las Vegas with them!
Most of us started our journey on a media tour in NYC where we greeted the US Troops and helped put bicycles together for USO fleet week, went on Kelly and Reggis Live, appeared on The Today Show, interviewed for E!, toured all of NYC on a sightseeing bus, and of course met the man himself, Mr. Trump!
From there a few of us went out a couple days early to shoot with Fadil for a CHI magazine shoot! I was super excited that I was selected and cannot wait to see the magazine :) 
I couldn't have asked for a better roommate, LacyJane Miss NH USA! She made the whole journey about a million times better, we hit it off right away and constantly found ourselves staying awake to reminisce and laugh over the days activities rather than sleep the 4 precious hours we had...She's such an awesome person, if you're lucky enough to know her as your friend you know exactly what I'm talking about :)
It's far to much to sum up here but I'll give you a "day in the life" if you and make up with CHI and Rain Cosmetics, photoshoots with Sherri Hill and Fadil,  interviews with NBC, Giuliana Rancic, and All Access, Best Buddies event, endless buffet meals in which we cleaned them out of asparagus and chicken, touring all over Las Vegas, shows, pool parties, and lots of rehearsals! It truly was a blessing and I'm so excited for the next Miss MA USA 2012 who gets to experience this once in  a lifetime opportunity! I will give her this one piece of advice: As tired as you will be every night, take 2 minutes and  journal about your experience each day because it will change each day and before you know it, it's gone. You get one shot to do it, so make it your best.

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