Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dream Come True!

Hi All!

My name is Alida D'Angona and I am Miss Massachusetts USA 2011! I am so excited to share this incredible journey with you and I am so thankful to my family, friends, and sponsors for supporting me along the way!! I couldn't have done it without your help, so thank you! This really is a dream come true, I remember stepping off the stage last year knowing that I was going to come back and give 110% and hopefully win. Thanks to all your encouragement and support I did, and was crowned Miss Massachusetts USA 2011! I am looking forward to working with our incredible sponsors, meeting new people, getting involved in chairty organizations and representing Massachusetts in the National Miss USA pageant this spring! This is going to be an amazing year, I hope you will follow me on this journey!!

~Alida D'Angona

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